PRESSIKUTSE: Balti-Ukraina Noortefoorum 4. november 2022 Tallinnas
Eesti NATO Ühing (EATA)
Tallinn, 31. oktoober 2022.a.
Austatud ajakirjanik!
Kutsume Teid Balti-Ukraina Noortefoorumile reedel, 4. novembril 2022.a. kell 09.00 Tallinnas Park Inn by Radisson Meriton hotelli (Toompuiestee 27/Paldiski mnt. 4, Tallinn). Eesti NATO Ühing korraldab noortefoorumit juba kümnendat korda. Aastapäeva tähistamiseks ja Ukraina riigiga solidaarsuse üles näitamiseks on Balti-Vene Noortefoorumist saanud Balti-Ukraina Noortefoorum. Üritusele tulevad rääkima kaitseminister Hanno Pevkur, Euroopa Parlamendi saadik Urmas Paet ja Eesti Välispoliitika Instituudi vanemteadur James Sherr. Nendele lisaks annavad sisendit kõrged NATO ametnikud Beata Patašova ja Petr Lunak NATO avaliku diplomaatia osakonnast. Ameerika Ühendriikidest tuleb üritusele kõnelema ja noori koolitama Ivanna Kuz, Euroopa Poliitikaanalüüsi Keskusest. Kuna NATO piirid on laienemas, siis oleme kutsunud esinema Soomest kaitseeksperdi ja analüütiku Juha Pyyköneni.
Konverentsil tuleb käsitlemisele ka energiajulgeoleku teema. Sõna saavad mitmed eksperdid, kes kutsuvad ette võtma suuri muutusi kogu Euroopa käitumises. Andres Mäe, sõltumatu energiapoliitikate analüütik: “Venemaa kulutused relvastusele on viimastel aastatel olnud ligikaudu 4% sisemajanduse kogutoodangust (SKT-st) ehk ca 2,5-korda suuremad Euroopa Liidu liikmesmaade keskmisest. Samal ajal on Venemaa maagaasi eksport, millest suurem osa on läinud Euroopasse, on andnud ligikaudu 7,4% riigieelarve tuludest ja 3,7% SKT-st. Viimane suhtarv on ligilähedane kaitsekulutuste osakaaluga SKT-st. Teisisõnu, Venemaalt maagaasi ostes oleme aidanud kaasa praegusele sõjale Ukrainas.”
Konverents toimub 4. novembril ja jätkub õpilaste ning tudengite jaoks 4. novembri õhtul ja 5. novembril töötubadega, kus kogutakse sisendit noortelt dokumendi “Ideas from Youth to NATO” jaoks, mis edastatakse peale üritust Eesti NATO Ühingu poolt NATO-le. Tegemist on rahvusvahelise konverentsiga, mille eesmärk on tõsta noorte teadlikkust rahvusvahelise julgeolekupoliitika valdkonnas.
Sel aastal on foorumi fookuses NATO, energiajulgeoleku ja Ukraina tulevik. Ürituse avapäeval Tallinnas osaleb 100 noort eksperti ja ametnikku 20 riigist. Ürituse töökeeleks on inglise keel.
Balti-Ukraina Noortefoorumit korraldab Eesti NATO Ühing koostöös NATO peakorteri avaliku diplomaatia osakonna, Friedrich Eberti Fondi, Balti-Ameerika Vabadusfondi, Eesti kaitseministeeriumi ja välisministeeriumiga.
Täpsem info ja registreerimine:
Tel 5118080 (Krista Mulenok, Eesti NATO Ühingu juhatuse esimees)
Lisatud on ürituse ajakava ja esinejad.
November 4
The panel discussions will take place on November 4, 2022 at the Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference & Spa Hotel Tallinn. The conference's working language is English.
Host of the day — Karl Mattias Sepp, Project Manager of the Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association
08:30-09:00 Registration and morning coffee
09:00-09:10 Welcoming remarks by Krista Mulenok, Vice President of the Atlantic Treaty Association, Secretary General of the Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association
09:10-09:20 Opening speech by Beata Patašova, Programme Officer for Russia and East European partners, Engagements Section Public Diplomacy Division, NATO HQ
09:20-09:35 “Zeitenwende – Reasons and Goals” by Reinhard Krumm, Director of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Office for the Baltic States
Panel Discussions
09:45-11:15 Future of NATO. NATO’s Borders are Expanding and Baltic Countries’ Borders are being reinforced. What are the impacts?
Europe will never be the same after Russia invaded Ukraine. The sense of security has been in question since the collapse of the Soviet Union, but now Putin has made it clear that he will abandon reason, humanity and international law to succeed. How have NATO and the European Union structures faced this challenge? What are the changes that are still in the works? What changes can be expected in the Russian power structures? What is the situation like in Ukraine right now? How does the prospect of Sweden and Finland change the perspective of NATO’s capabilities and objectives? In what way could Russia retaliate to NATO’s enlargement and how well prepared are the bordering nations to deal with the looming threat of Russia? NATO 2022 Strategic Concept.
Dr. Sandis Šrāders, Fellow, Russian Strategic and Military Studies at Baltic Defence College
Tania Latici, Policy Officer at the European External Action Service
Juha Pyykönen, Security Analyst, Brigadier General (retired), Licentiate in Political Sciences
Petr Lunak via Zoom, Deputy Head of Engagements Section, NATO Public Diplomacy Division, NATO HQ
Moderator: Konstantin Eggert, DW Commentator and Host
11:15-11:30 Break
11:30-13:00 Future of Energy Security. Reliance on Fossil Fuels - Impacts on the Unity of NATO and Relationships of European and Eastern Partnership States.
Energy security is the topic that is on everyone’s mind for the last decade. The devastating war waged by Russia has highlighted the importance of unity of European and NATO’s member states to act swiftly and find alternative sources for energy. One aspect that rings true for all of these cases is that the reliance on fossil fuels inevitably fills Russia’s pockets with money that can be used to torment its neighbors. How is the European Union and NATO moving away from Russian gas and oil? What are the different challenges to cut these ties for specific member states? How likely is it that the Green New Deal is the answer to this challenge? Will alternative energy sources and green technologies come into use fast enough to save the EU's economy? Will cutting off Russia’s oil and gas from the European market result in political unity in the European Union and NATO?
Hanno Pevkur, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Estonia
Anu Eslas via Zoom, VP, Offshore Development Baltic States at RWE
Andres Mäe, Analyst, International Centre for Defence and Security
Julian Wieczorkiewicz, Analyst, Policy East Section, Security Policy and Political Affairs Division, NATO
Bohdan Polovynko, Intern at NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence
Moderator: Rando Kruusmaa, Estonian Defence League
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Future of Ukraine. Lessons Learned from the War in Ukraine and the Way Forward.
It has been more than eight months since Russia waged a war against Ukraine. This war was predicted to be over within days by many experts. They were wrong. When and how will the war end? Can Ukraine win ? What should the International community do in order to support Ukraine more? What are the EU and NATO roles in these efforts? How to provide long lasting support to Ukraine in Europe and the U.S? What will happen after the war? Will Ukraine be able to join NATO and the EU? What are the lessons for the future?
Urmas Paet, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, Former Foreign Minister of Estonia
James Sherr OBE, Senior Fellow of the Estonian Foreign Policy Institute at the ICDS
Dr. Žaneta Ozolina via Zoom, Chairwoman of the Board, Latvian Transatlantic Organisation
Ivanna Kuz, Program Assistant, Transatlantic Defense and Security, CEPA
Col. Mart Vendla, Estonian Defense Forces
Moderator: Oliver Mõru, Counsellor for Common Security and Defence Policy at Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU
15:30-16:00 Conclusion of the Conference for the public