NATO-Euroopa Liidu Ümarlaud 20.-21. aprill 2023 Tallinnas
Eesti NATO Ühing (EATA)
Tallinn, 17. aprill 2023.a.
Austatud ajakirjanik!
Kutsume Teid 20. aprillil 2023.a. kell 09.25 algavale NATO-Euroopa Liidu Ümarlauale. Üritus toimub Tallinnas Park Inn by Radisson Meriton hotellis (Toompuiestee 27/Paldiski mnt. 4, Tallinn) Eesti NATO Ühingu korraldusel juba üheteistkümnendat korda. Konverentsi avab Eesti Vabariigi president Alar Karis. Üritusel võtavad sõna NATO abipeasekretär avaliku diplomaatia valdkonnas Baiba Braže, Euroopa Parlamendi saadik, endine kaitseväe juhataja ja Eesti NATO Ühingu nõukogu esimees Riho Terras, Ameerika Ühendriikide suursaadik George P. Kent ja paljud teised kõrged ametnikud.
John Barter, GLOBSEC asepresident: “Maailm on väga hirmutav koht. Artikkel 5 on olnud NATO alustala juba üle 70 aasta, kuid see alustala laguneb, kui me ei investeeri oma kollektiivkaitsesse. Meie relvajõud tuleb muuta lahinguvalmis, et täita heidutavat rolli NATO idaserval. See ei tähenda lihtsalt raha kulutamist, vaid operatiivvõimekuse tagamist. Ainult tõelise sõjalise jõu näitamine heidutab Venemaad ja kaitseb Euroopat. Venemaa on petturriik, Ukraina on Euroopa - me peame Ukrainat toetama, Ukraina peab võitma, läbikukkumine ei ole võimalus. Meie vabaduse eest on vaja seista.”
Konverents toimub 20. aprillil ja jätkub üliõpilaste jaoks 20. aprilli õhtul ja 21. aprillil diplomaatia töötoa ja Eesti NATO Ühingu korraldatud Põhja-Atlandi Nõukogu (NAC) töö simulatsiooniga Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia Tallinnas. Tegemist on rahvusvahelise konverentsiga, mille eesmärk on tõsta noorte teadlikkust rahvusvahelise julgeolekupoliitika valdkonnas.
Sel aastal on konverentsi fookuses Euroopa Liidu strateegiline kompass, NATO uus strateegiline kontseptsioon, sõda Ukrainas ja NATO ning Euroopa Liidu vahelised suhted Hiinaga. Ürituse avapäeval Tallinnas osaleb ligi 100 noort eksperti ja ametnikku 22 riigist. Ürituse töökeeleks on inglise keel.
NATO-Euroopa Liidu Ümarlauda korraldab Eesti NATO Ühing koostöös NATO peakorteri avaliku diplomaatia osakonna, Friedrich Eberti Fondi, Kodanikuühiskonna Sihtkapitali, Eesti kaitseministeeriumi ja välisministeeriumiga.
Täpsem info ja registreerimine:
Tel 5118080 (Krista Mulenok, Eesti NATO Ühingu juhatuse esimees)
Schedule, April 20
Host of the day - Karl Mattias Sepp, Estonian Atlantic Treaty Organisation
09.00-09.25 Registration and morning coffee
09.25-09.30 Welcoming remarks by Krista Mulenok, Vice President of the Atlantic Treaty Association, Secretary General of the Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association, founder of the NATO-EU Roundtable
09.30-09.45 Opening speech by President Alar Karis, President of the Republic of Estonia
09.45-10.00 Opening speech (video) by Gen (ret) Riho Terras, Member of the European Parliament, former Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces, Chairman of the Council of the Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association
10.00-10.15 Opening speech (video) by a NATO representative - Baiba Braže, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, NATO
10.15-10.30 Opening speech by Ambassador George P. Kent, United States Ambassador to the Republic of Estonia
Panel Discussions
10.30-12.00 NATO and the European Union United. Next Decade of Cooperation and Challenges.
EU-NATO cooperation constitutes an integral pillar of the EU’s work aimed at strengthening European security and defence to live in a world where sovereignty, territorial integrity, human rights and international law are respected and where each country can choose its own path, free from aggression, coercion or subversion. How has the NATO 2022 Strategic Concept been implemented and what kind of progress have we already seen? How far are we with the NATO 2030 Initiative? Where is The EU with their ‘360 degrees analysis of the full range of threats and challenges prepared by the European External Action Service. All these topics and more are going to be discussed in detail in this action packed panel discussion.
Dr. Benedetta Berti via Zoom, Head of Policy Planning, Office of the Secretary General at NATO
Tania Latici via Zoom, Policy Officer at the European External Action Service
Jane Õispuu, Head of the Political Team, European Commission’s Representation in Estonia
Inga Samoškaite, Project Manager at the Eastern Europe Studies Centre, Independent Policy Analyst
Moderator: Martin Hurt, Security Expert
12.00-12.30 Coffee Break
12.30-14.00 The Russia-Ukraine war. Long Lasting War with Devastating Consequences. How is the EU and NATO Protecting the Peace in Europe?
The Russia-Ukraine war is the greatest challenge to security in Europe that it has faced in decades. This war is proving that Russia is a terrorist state that needs to be stopped. The war is ever evolving and growing. With warheads starting to land on NATO territory - what are the implications and readiness to enact NATO’s articles 4 and 5? What are the measures that are taken to protect Europe as a whole? Is Ukraine being supported to the fullest extent? What kind of escalation is unavoidable? As the situation is developing on a daily basis this list definitely is not exhaustive and this panel will answer the most burning questions of the year.
Tomass Pildegovičs, Senior Expert, NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence
John Barter, Senior Vice President, GLOBSEC
Igor Gretskiy, Research Fellow, International Center for Defence and Security
Johanna-Maria Lehtme, CEO of Estonian NGO Slava Ukraini, Member of Estonian Parliament (TBC)
Moderator: Oliver Mõru, Counsellor for Common Security and Defence Policy at Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU
14.00-15.00 Lunch
15.00-16.30 NATO, EU and China. Intricacies of Clashing Values and Goals in the Upcoming Decade.
NATO 2022 Strategic Concept has outlined that the deepening strategic partnership between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undercut the rules-based international order run counter to our values and interests. Beijing’s efforts to build up nuclear forces, hacking operations and increasingly close ties to Moscow are ‘serious challenges’. NATO has warned that the Chinese government was “rapidly expanding” its nuclear capability without increasing transparency or engaging in good faith in arms control, and using economic leverage to create strategic dependencies and enhance its influence. How is the West and the East cooperating in 2023? Have we reached an understanding on how to deal with Russia? What developments in Chinese foreign policy have to be understood in order to foresee future seeds of conflict? This panel will tackle the topic of superpowers of the 21st century paving their way in the modern world.